Dear Savannah Faith Leaders,
You are receiving this e-newsletter because we have designed it for you. This is our second edition.
We are the non-profit Interfaith Addiction and Recovery Coalition of Savannah, founded in January, 2019. Our purpose Is to provide education and support for Faith leaders on the subject of addiction and recovery. Faith leaders tell us they feel ill-equipped to help congregation members when they – or their loved ones- struggle with addiction. Our aim is to prepare you to offer to help your congregation members need with educational forum is one-on-one consultation resources on our FaceBook page and this e-newsletter.
In this issue, we feature:
- An essay by one of our own faith leaders as he experienced addiction around him – in hislife and In his profession
- Commentary by a trained therapist who has counseled people and their loved ones struggling with addiction
- The ten characteristics of adult children of alcoholics by a Savannah faith leader whounderstands this subject intimately
- News of a Virtual Family Program offered by Hazelden Betty Ford and tailored for
Savannah faith leaders.
We invite your feedback, as well as requests for features and more information.
Content Editors: Caroline Jackovich. Katherine Garlington and Carol Pine. layout and Design: Ardra Hartz