Dear Savannah Faith Leaders, you are receiving this e-newsletter because we have designed it for you. This is our fourth edition.

We are the non-profit Interfaith Addiction and Recovery Coalition, founded in January, 2019.

Our purpose is to provide education and support for faith leaders on the subject of addiction and recovery. Faith leaders have told us they feel ill-equipped to help when congregation members- or their loved ones- struggle wirth addiction. Our aim is to prepare you to offer the help your faith community needs with educational forums, one-on-one consultation, a list of local resources and this e-newsletter.


News of our upcoming webinaron adverse childhood experiences {ACE) from 11-12:30 EST

Tuesday, March 9. Please join us.

* An essay by one of our own faith leaders as he experienced addiction around him – in his life and in his profession.

* A summary of the effects of addiction on chi1ldren:  what you need to know, an offer of helpfrom Jerry Moe of Hazelden Betty Ford, and other resources you can use.

*An article about Savannah’s Youth Alcohol, Marijuana and Tobacco Prevention program called Beyond The Bell and how this organization can be of assistance to you. Written byLindsey Grovenstein, a member of our team.

Content edirtors, this issue: IRev. J. Michael Culbreth, Lindsey Grovenstein, Carol Pine

Layout and Design: Ardra Hartz

Download the Newsletter #4 PDF