Dear Savannah Faith Leaders,
You are receiving this e-newsletter because we have designed it for you. This is ourthird edition,
We are the non-profit Interfaith Addiction and Recovery Coalition of Savannah, founded in January 2019. We provide education and support for our faith leaders on the subject of addictionand recovery.
Our aim is to prepare you to offer the counselthat your faith community needs at a time when addiction in many forms h1as increased in our country.
In this issue:
* Rev. Steve Hilgeman1 Lutheran Church of the Redeemer,shares his personal experience with addiction and recovery.
* Learn how ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences} can contribute to substance abuse in adulthood…and what you need to know.
* Discover more about how families are affected by addictionand what you can learn in a free, day long virtual educationprogram offered by Hazelden Betty Ford to our faith leaders (and your lay leaders). Choose from several dates weekly.
*Read what one wire and parent- and a member of our Coalition – has. learned about addiction and her response to it.