In this issue:
*SAVE THIS DATE and invite family, friends and congregation members! Saturday October 14, 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. Nationally-known speaker William Cope Moyers of Hazelden Betty Ford will share his own story and inspire real hope. Trinity UMC and Telfair Square
* Rev. Ben Gosden of Trinity United Methodist Church in Savannah continues his discussion of recovery from addiction grounded in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and faith.
* What is it like to grow up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional household? Do you wonder why you’re an approval seeker, frightened of personal criticism or feeling isolated? Rev. Pacia Vamvas of ConneXion Church introduces us to ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) meetings here in Savannah
* Straight Talk: What Faith Leaders need to know about addiction and recovery. Two seasoned priests discuss their personal insights in living the 12 steps and what faith leaders can, and cannot do, to help others.