Dear Faith Leader,
You are receiving this e-newsletter because we have designed it for you. It is our first edition.
We are the non-profit Interfaith Addiction and Recovery Coalition of Savannah, founded in January, 2019.Our purpose is to provide education and support for faith leaders on the subject of addiction and recovery. Ouraim is to prepare you to offer the advice and counsel that your congregation members need with educational forums, one-on-one consultation, resources on our FaceBook page and this e-newsletter.
Over the past 20 years, alcohol-related deaths have doubled in the United States, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (part of the NIH), and the largest increase in death has been among white women.
In this first issue, we feature three vignettes: the experience of one or our own faith leaders as he migratedinto the “gray area” of alcohol dependence, the first- hand account of one of our team members attending her first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and a timely article on AA in the time of a pandemic.
We invite your feedback on article content or length, as well as requests for features and more information.
Content Editor: Caroline Jackovich Layout and Design: Ardra Hartz